Bamboo HR

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Set up Bamboo HR for automated tests with TrustCloud!


Once you set up your compliance program, TrustCloud TrustOps works to ensure that your systems remain compliant with your adopted controls. To do so, TrustCloud retrieves lists of resources against systems in your product and business stack to use for compliance evidence.

This document outlines the steps you can take to grant TrustCloud access to retrieve a list of employees to use as evidence.

Instructions to grant TrustCloud access to retrieve employees from Bamboo HR

Follow the steps below to create a new API Key in your Bamboo HR instance. This API Key will be used to retrieve limited information about employees to use as evidence for compliance.

  1. Login to your Bamboo HR instance using your company-specific URL.bamboohr
  2. Click on the ‘Account’ icon in the upper-right corner.bamboohr accaount
  3. Click on ‘API Keys’.API Keys
  4. Click the ‘Add New Key’ at the upper-left corner of the table.myAPi keys
  5. Provide the ‘API Key Name’ and click on the “Generate Key” api name
  6. Click on ‘Copy Key’ to copy the key to your clipboard.copy key
  7. Enter the API Key you generated into TrustOps, along with the full subdomain of your Bamboo HR instance (example: mysubdomain.bamboohr. com).

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