Manage my TrustShare

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Manage my TrustShare

Manage My TrustShare makes it easy for you to personalize your TrustShare pages before publishing them, taking them live, and sharing them with your customers or prospects.
Follow these steps to manage your TrustShare configuration:

  1. Manage my TrustShare:
    Here you can manage general settings like,

    1. Contact Email: An email address where you want to receive access requests and general updates for your TrustShare
    2. Access Links: Preview/Live URL
    3. Add NDA: Upload a generic copy of your NDA for prospects and customers to attest to when entering TrustShare
  2. Company Profile:
    This is basic information about your company that we will use to pre-fill answers in security questionnaires you receive.
  3. Branding:
    Here, you can personalize your security portal with your own branding

    1. Customize the site header
    2. Logo
    3. Publish changes made
  4. Home:
    Here, you can update the language used in your portal

    1. TrustShare Access: Private/Transparent mode
    2. Customize Sections Displayed on TrustShare live
    3. Publish changes made
  5. Notification Center:
    You can share crucial updates and announcements directly within your TrustShare portal
  6. Policies:
    The policies are listed automatically, pulled from your TrustOps program. You can configure any portal-related settings, such as access levels or descriptions.
  7. Controls:
    The controls are listed automatically, pulled from your TrustOps program. You can configure any portal-related settings, such as access levels or descriptions.
  8. Certifications:
    Here, you can select the certification you have achieved or are currently pursuing and display it.
  9. Subprocessors:
    Here, you can see all of your main subprocessors.

    1. Customize subprocessors shown on TrustShare live

The following screenshot shows the Manage My TrustShare menu.

Manage my TrustShare

Manage My TrustShare

  1. Go to your TrustShare program
  2. Click on “Manage My TrustShare” from the left-hand side menu.
  3. Select “Settings”.
    The following screenshot shows the “Settings” page of TrustShare program.
    Manage my TrustShare

Contact Email

This is the email address or alias that is notified if any customer or prospect requests access to your TrustShare website. On the Manage My TrustShare tab, you can add a contact email address. This is very important to add because the user associated with that address is responsible for receiving notification when a new TrustShare user requests access or accepts access. Without a contact email, you cannot keep track of TrustShare traffic.

Access Links (Preview and Live URLs)

Using the “Preview URL” on the Manage My TrustShare page, you can see how your TrustShare site will look after publishing it. This is a staging link, and you need to publish your TrustShare to be able to invite external users.

Click Wrap

To expedite the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) process, you can upload a generic copy of your company’s NDA for users to attest to upon accessing the information in your TrustShare. An NDA click wrap is a type of agreement where the user agrees to the terms and conditions of the NDA by clicking on the “Accept” button or a checkbox on a website or software application. The click-wrap method is a convenient and quick way to enter into an NDA, as it eliminates the need for a physical signature.

If you have opted to require NDA acknowledgment by your TrustShare users, they are presented with your NDA Agreement and will only be allowed access upon consent.

The following screenshot shows the NDA settings.

Manage my TrustShare
NDA settings

Additionally, you can choose to allow users to gain automatic access (no manual approval required) by simply turning on the “Auto Approve Access” setting. Once this setting is turned on, any user viewing your TrustShare can simply “Request Access” to information and will then be prompted to set up their login credentials upon NDA acknowledgement. If the user opts to decline the NDA, they will be redirected to public-facing information and will not be granted access to your private TrustShare.

Company Profile

  1. Go to your TrustShare program
  2. Click on “Manage My TrustShare” from the left-hand side menu.
  3. Select “Company Profile”.
    The following screenshot shows the company profile page.TS Manage My TrustShare Company Profile 03

The company profile is where you fill out basic information about your organization. The information saved in Manage My TrustShare—Company Profile—is used to answer non-security questions on incoming questionnaires, saving you from answering these questions over and over again!


  1. Go to your TrustShare program
  2. Click on “Manage My TrustShare” from the left-hand side menu.
  3. Select “Branding”.
    The following screenshot shows the TrustShare Branding page.Manage My TrustShare

You can customize your site header and background with company colors and add your logo to make TrustShare look and feel like your home website. On TrustShare, go to the “Branding” tab from the main menu. You can personalize your security portal from here.


  1. Go to your TrustShare program
  2. Click on “Manage My TrustShare” from the left-hand side menu.
  3. Select “Home”.
    The following screenshot shows the “Home” page of TrustShare program.
    Manage My TrustShare

In Manage My TrustShare, you can customize sections of your TrustShare homepage and add your trust and security leaders to build trust and credibility with your customers.

On your TrustShare, go to the “Home” tab and start updating every section. Each section can be edited completely, including the title, tagline, description, body copy, and header.

Make sure you update this page before you publicize your TrustShare. You can match your organization’s needs and make sure you integrate any type of information you want your customers to read.

If you don’t want to show some of these sections, you can hide them from your home page by turning on the view feature that you can find at the top right corner of each section.

TrustShare Access

You can determine if you want to make your TrustShare page viewable in “Private” or “Transparent” mode.

  1. Transparent mode: Your TrustShare page is transparent in showing information related to your policies, controls, certifications, subprocessors, and documents. You can manage individual access to each of these items utilizing the customization tools in TrustShare admin.
  2. Private mode: Your TrustShare page is completely gated and all non-public content is “Request Access” only. The home page welcome message and any certifications and documents that have been marked as ‘public’ are immediately accessible. Any certifications or documents marked as ‘private’ (request access) cannot be accessed for download.
    The following screenshot shows the access permissions for TrustShare.
    TS Manage My TrustShare Access 03

Content Access

In addition to setting the access level for your TrustShare page, you can even determine the access level for the specific content presented on your TrustShare. The settings of each section can be managed as defined, below:

Policies and Controls Sections:

  1. Private: If the section setting is defined as private, only authenticated users can view the content.
  2. Transparent: If the section setting is defined as transparent, non-authenticated users cannot view the content.
  3. Hidden: If the section setting is defined as hidden, no users can view the content.
    The following screenshot shows the content visibility of policies.
    TS Manage My TrustShare Content Visibility 04

NOTE: The content access levels also depend on page-level access. For example, if you change your TrustShare access to ‘private’, all sections will default to private, and you will not be able to set the controls or policies sections to ‘transparent’.

Notification Center

The TrustShare Notification Center is a powerful tool designed to empower you to communicate important updates and information directly within your TrustShare portal. This feature offers a streamlined way to craft and present notifications to your audience, ensuring timely and relevant communication.

Craft Customized Notifications: You have the ability to create tailored notifications based on three distinct types:

  1. Compliance: Communicate crucial compliance-related information and changes.
  2. General: Share general announcements, news, or noteworthy information.
  3. Incident: Notify users about security incidents or specific incidents that require attention.
    TS Manage My TrustShare Notifications 05

Each notification allows for a detailed description, ensuring clarity and providing additional context to your audience. Easily tailor your audience by choosing between:

  1. Public Users: Notifications visible to all visitors of your TrustShare.
  2. Private Users: Restrict notifications to authenticated users, ensuring sensitive information reaches the right audience.
    TC Manage My TrustShare Notification Share 06

The Notification Center is a valuable tool for maintaining transparency, ensuring compliance, and fostering informed engagement within your TrustShare. Utilize this feature to keep your audience informed and engaged effectively.


In Manage My TrustShare, you can view all your policy lists. You can edit the policy description, preview and save changes. These policies are automatically pulled from your TrustOps program. Here, you can configure any portal-related settings, such as defining access levels or crafting a client-friendly description!

The following screenshot shows the policies in your TrustShare.
TC Manage My TrustShare Policies 10

If you click on edit icon in front of the policy, you can view details of the policy and edit the description.

TC Manage My TrustShare Policy Details 11


In Manage My TrustShare, you can view all your controls list. You can edit control description, standard mapping and policy mapping. These controls are automatically pulled from your TrustOps program. Here, you can configure any portal-related settings, such as defining access levels or crafting a client-friendly description!

The following screenshot shows the Controls in your TrustShare.

TC Manage My TrustShare Controls 12

You can edit a control by clicking the edit icon in front of it. You can change the description, standard mapping and policy mapping from here.

TC Manage My TrustShare Control Details 13


If you have received audit attestations, reports, or certifications or are currently in the process of completing an audit, you can display this information on your Certifications page in TrustShare. You can also attach your audit report or relevant documentation.

The following screenshot shows the Certifications page.

TC Manage My TrustShare Certifications 07

Once you have identified the certification(s) that you want to display on your TrustShare, click “Select” on the desired certificate card from the certifications list. On the certificate details page, you can modify the following:

  1. Standard description: Provide your TrustShare visitors with a description of the certification or audit
  2. Status: Change the certification/audit status to either “In Progress” or “Complete.”
  3. Data Achieved or Expected: Add the date on which the certification or audit was completed or is expected to be completed.
  4. Name of Audit Firm: Enter the name of the audit firm conducting the audit
  5. Standards mapping content: Define the visitor’s access level and how the certification or audit maps to your program’s controls and policies

Configuring Certificate Details

To modify the details of a certificate or audit, click on the ”Configure” button on the desired certificate. On the details page of the certificate, modify the certificate details.

TC Manage My TrustShare Configure Certificate 08

The following screenshot shows how to configure a certificate.

TC Manage My TrustShare Configure Certificate 09

Removing a Certificate

To remove the certification or audit information from your TrustShare page, click on the “Remove” button on the desired certificate. All information related to this certificate has been removed and will no longer be shown on your TrustShare page.

The following screenshot shows how to remove or configure a Certificate.

TC Manage My TrustShare Configure Certificate 08


In Manage My TrustShare, your sub-processors are identified in TrustOps and reflected in the “Sub-processors” page in TrustShare. You can hide or show individual sub-processors on your TrustShare Live!

Transparency about sub-processors is important for several reasons:

  1. It allows customers and users to understand how their data is being processed and by whom.
  2. It allows customers to make informed decisions about whether or not to use a service and to identify any potential privacy or security risks.
  3. In some cases, such as with data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), organizations are legally required to disclose the subprocessors they use.
  4. It also helps to build trust between organizations and their customers, as it demonstrates that the organization is taking steps to protect their data.

The following screenshot shows the “Subprocessors” page in TrustShare.


Publishing changes to your TrustShare

Once you are ready to go live with changes to your TrustShare page, go to your Home or Branding page and click on the “Publish My Changes” button.


Making your TrustShare discoverable

Linking your trust portal to your company’s website is an essential step in making it easily discoverable by visitors, partners, and stakeholders. This guide will walk you through the process of adding a link to your trust portal on your company’s website.

Step 1: Identify the Appropriate Website Location

Before you start, determine where on your company’s website the TrustShare link should be placed. Common locations include the main navigation menu, footer, or dedicated “Resources” or “Trust Center” pages. Choose a location that makes sense for your users.

Step 2: Access Your Website’s Content Management System (CMS)

Log in to your website’s CMS, which could be WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or any other platform you use to manage your website’s content. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to edit the website.

Step 3: Create a New Menu Item or Page (If Necessary)

If you’re adding your TrustShare link to an existing page or menu, skip to Step 4. Otherwise, create a new menu item or page for your TrustShare. This can usually be done in the CMS under “Menus” or “Pages.”

Step 4: Add the TrustShare Link

  1. Locate the page or menu item where you want to add your link.
  2. Select “Edit” or “Add” to access the page content.
  3. In the content editor, type or paste the text you want to use for the link (e.g., “Trust Center”).
  4. Highlight the link text and click the “Insert Link” button (usually represented by a chain link icon).
  5. In the link URL field, enter the URL of your TrustShare. Ensure it’s an accurate and complete URL.
  6. Most CMS platforms allow you to set the link to open in a new tab or window, which is often preferable for external links. Check the appropriate box if available.
  7. Save or update the page/menu item to apply the changes.

Step 5: Test the Link

After adding the link, it’s crucial to test it to ensure it works correctly. Click the link in your website’s live environment to verify that it takes visitors to your TrustShare page without any issues.

Step 6: Monitor and Maintain

Once your TrustShare link is live, periodically check it to ensure it remains functional. If your TrustShare URL changes or if there are any updates, be sure to update the link accordingly on your company’s website.

By following these steps, you’ve successfully linked your TrustShare to your company’s website, making it easily discoverable for users and stakeholders. This seamless integration helps build trust, improve accessibility, and enhance the overall user experience.

Setting up a custom TrustShare domain

Setting up a custom domain (CNAME) for your TrustShare enhances your brand’s identity and makes it more accessible to your users. This guide will walk you through the steps to configure a custom domain, a feature included in the ‘Growth,’ ‘Scale,’ and ‘Enterprise’ pricing tiers, but can be purchased as an add-on!

Step 1: Choose Your Custom Domain

Before you begin, decide on the custom domain you want to use for your TrustShare. This might be something like “” or “” Ensure that the chosen subdomain is available and reflects your brand or purpose.

Step 2: Contact Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager

Contact TrustCloud Support or your Customer Success Manager to initiate the process. If you’re currently on the ‘Starter’ pricing tier, you’ll either need to upgrade to the ‘Growth,’ ‘Scale,’ or ‘Enterprise’ tier or purchase as an add-on to access the custom domain feature. Reach out to our customer support team to request the upgrade or to purchase the custom domain feature as an add-on.

Step 3: Customer to Add CNAME from Custom Domain

Once TrustCloud receives your request, you or your IT team will need to add a new CNAME record. TrustCloud will automatically generate all needed SSL certificates for the new URL via Let’s Encrypt. To initiate this process, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your domain registrar’s or DNS provider’s website.
  2. Navigate to the DNS management section for the domain you want to add the CNAME record for.
  3. Locate the option to add a new record and select “CNAME” as the record type.
  4. Enter the subdomain you want to create the CNAME for in the “Name” or “Host” field. For example, if you want to create a CNAME for “”, enter “www” in this field.
  5. In the “Points to” or “Value” field, enter the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) that the CNAME should point to. For example, if you want “” to point to “,” enter “” in this field.
  6. Save the changes.

Note that it may take some time for the changes to propagate throughout the DNS system, so the CNAME record may not be immediately active.

Step 4: Customer to Confirm CNAME Has Been Added

Once your team has added the CNAME, you will need to let TrustCloud know so that we can finish out the process.

Step 5: TrustCloud Will Let You Know Once URL Is Live

Once the process is complete, someone from TrustCloud will reach out to confirm that your new TrustShare URL is live!

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